AIA San Diego

Heleo Architecture and Design Featured Publication in San Diego Union-Tribune by Barbara Leon

Explore the exclusive San Diego Union-Tribune interview published in the Sunday, November 19th issue for an insider's perspective on our team's journey, distinct design philosophy, and the exciting projects influencing the architectural landscape. The article provides:

  • Highlights on our versatility with the wide range of projects in development this year.

  • Insights into our background and approach to architecture.

  • A fascinating glimpse into the challenges and advantages of working on both sides of the border.

Our award-winning projects, from Sage & Fire, awarded by the American Institute of Architects, to Insurgente Brewery in Tijuana, are also showcased.

We are beyond honored as a team for this opportunity to share our story and passion for creating spaces that foster meaningful engagement and connections with the communities they serve. Head to the San Diego Union-Tribune for the complete feature and to discover how our team at Heleo is influencing the future of design, along with a preview of our completed and upcoming works - you won't want to miss it!

Read the Article here:

San Diego Cityscape: Heleo Architecture & Design making an impact in San Diego and Tijuana